Bass Trap «Klin» - a high-performance low-frequency absorber, which is mounted in the corners of the intersection of two walls vertically, or at the intersection of the walls and ceiling horizontally to achieve the right sound in the room.Bass Traps works by trapping the random ‘omni-directional’ bass energy that tends to cluster in corners and overwhelm the room. They have the positive effect of reducing smear and giving bass more definition and punch allowing you to control low frequency energy. and helping your studio to attain a tighter, more controlled bass.Most acoustic engineers for acoustic control of sound always attach importance to such places of the room as the angles of intersection of walls. This is primarily based on the fact how the sound is distributed within the room in which the walls and ceilings act as sound guides directing sound to the corners where it accumulates in the low-frequency hum causing resonances.Traps set in the corners of the room significantly reduce the time of natural reverberation, which is especially noticeable by how low frequencies lose their dirty and unnecessary "tail". Even if there are no other sound-absorbing surfaces in the room, only the bass traps significantly improve the sound characteristics of the room in the lower part of the frequency spectrum.
- Recording Studios;
- Home Theaters;
- Music Rooms;
- Office Environments;
- Rehearsal Rooms;
- Auditoriums;
- Conference Rooms;
- etc.
Intended use:
- Absorbs Low, High and
Mid-Range frequencies; - Slap echo;
- other intrusive noises.